Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Love To Travel - Hate To Pack

So, I am preparing my trip to the United States of A in the moment, the husband will be there for one week, it´s business for him an leisure for me. We will be going to Cincinnati, and I will fly on to Peoria, thats somewhere in the middle of nowhere around Chicago to visit a friend of mine. He´s flying business, I´m not. ARRRRGH, well, fair enough his company is paying for his flight and we are paying for mine. Since I knock myself out on planes anyway it´s not that bad. Just went to the doctor today and he prescribed me some pills. They have this deep blue color, makes me feel like Morpheus is about to offer me to stay in wonderland or find out what´s all behind this. I prefer wonderland. ZZZZZZZ

Anyway. I have a connecting flight via London and to make things even worse, it´s with two different airlines so I can´t check through. Already looking forward to getting up at 5:00 on Saturday.

Anyway, I love to travel but packing is a nightmare for me. Whoever invented traveling light and that stupid 20KG limit needs a serious spanking. I will be gone for a week. So I need at least, 5 pairs of trousers, 4 pairs of shoes, 7 seven shirts, 4 polo shirts, 3 pullovers. 2 jackets, 1 coat, 14 boxer briefs, lots of t shirts, a ton of socks, at least 3-4 kilos of toiletries, an overnight bag, a messenger bag, my notebook, several chargers, 3 books, umbrella, scarfs, gloves, ties etc. So can anyone tell me how on earth I am supposed to make all that fit into 1 (ONE) suitcase which is not heavier than 20 kilos. I will try, but I know that I will fail.

Why didn´t I live in the time when it was perfectly OK to travel with half a dozen oversea trunks? Sigh.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Everybody Has A Soft Side...

Even me. While surfing the net I mostly listen to music randomly on Itunes, with 65 Gigs of music there are songs I own, but never heard before since I buy the whole Album if I like a song from an artist.
10 minutes ago I found myself zoning out, falling in love with a song. It´s a tad older, but it gives me a warm and cozy feeling. It´s Snow Patrol´s "Set the fire to the 3rd bar" a wonderful duet featuring Martha Wainwright, Rufus Wainwaraight´s sister.
Martha´s voice has a fragility that carries me away, this longing in her voice is so fascinating.
The lyrics are tacky but so are the three words every single one of us wants to hear, to feel complete.
I hear them, I say them, I see them ,but most importantly I feel them. Every day! I am very grateful for that.

So, this was my emotional post for this season, can we get back to my old sarcastic self please.
I could write something about Snow Patrol´s front man and that I think his life performances remind me of someone with autism, but I won´t.