Anyway back to the summer, with the lake right under your nose, there are things this summer I definitely want to do.

1. Get a boat license.
You can make a Swiss lake boat license without much of a hassle, it only takes you 10 hours of training since you don´t have to learn all the rules there are for driving down rivers which will connect to an ocean. So, I will go to the DMV, fill out a form, plunk down a small fee and then take my 10 mandatory hours with a teacher, who luckily speaks English, and I am good to go.
I will not get a boat of my own since it´s a complete waste of resources. Keeping a boat on the lake here costs you an arm and a leg, initial purchase, maintenance, having a parking spot, taxes and so on. Apparently there is a company in Geneva where you can rent boats on a time share basis. It´s like mobility, but with boats.
You pay a flat fee for which you will get points which will buy you time on one of their boats. You just log on to their website choose a date and time slot and you are good to go. How fabulous is that. I love it! I don´t fish, I don´t like swimming in the lake but spending a sunny Sunday on a boat with friends is just great.

2. Starting running again.
I don´t know how it happened this winter, but I have been packing on the pounds, which did not render me morbidly obese but I am not happy with my derriere lately, so I guess a little workout should be in order. It´s a funny thing really, I should really really really quit smoking but I am very afraid that I will gain more weight due to a shift of cravings, at the same time I do not last as long running as I used to since I am out of breath quite fast.
I guess I have to quit smoking and start running immediately to avoid gaining more weight and hopefully getting rid of the ones I acquired during the winter.
Update: I have deleted number 3 since some people find it offensive.
Okay, so had no plans to yell at anyone this summer, and I generally save my running for emergency situations, but I am very much in favour of your plan to get a boat license! A few more weekends of skiing and I will be ready for summer. :)
Ulli darling, Get yourside up to the snow covered mountains where the sun is shining & you'll learn to
Love winter here. That said, I am looking forward to
The warm summer months, evenings by the lake having
A BBQ with friends & a glass of wine whilst we wave to you on your boat, a glass of champers in one hands & not
A care in the world..... (and no aplybus) gotta be good!
As for the 'visitors' that invade geneva, just learn to drive that car you have sitting on the garage and you can get your own back ;-)
Could you share the contact of your English speaking boat instructor as well as the boat "mobility" company, please?
Thank you
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