So, the new job. The offer came more or less out of the blue. A friend of mine operates a shuttle service going from the Geneva airport to all the skiing resorts, Chamonix, Morzine, Verbier, Les Praz to name a few and he was looking for someone to help him with the reservations and booking during the skiing season.
The job is good fun, time flies by like nothing and my co workers are really nice.
The only thing I have trouble with is adjusting to the location of the office. It´s in Bernex which is a tram ride into town and a bus ride out into oblivion also known as countryside. Hey at least I have nearly two hours every day to read my books on trams, busses and waiting for trams and busses. It´s a seasonal thing so I think I will look for something else as soon as the season is over in April. Gone are the days of long sleeping and fleeing the maid. Have to make up my mind if that is a good or a bad thing though.
I will turn 29 in 3 month and although the 30s are supposed the new 20´s I feel like an old man. I hardly go clubbing until 5 in the morning anymore, don´t really like to get drunk or even tipsy and do enjoy a good read on the sofa. Sad I know, but don´t worry, my lust for shopping and anything expensive is still there and it´s unlikely that it will leave anytime soon.
What really freaks me out is that I can´t eat what I like anymore without gaining weight. This is big pain in the behind. I used to weigh 60kg up until the age of 23, and from 25 on I am constantly gaining weight. In the moment I weigh 67 kg which for me is like being obese. Don´t worry, I am not anorexic but I like to stay size S and in the moment things are getting a bit tight around the midsection not to mention the new behind someone bolted on while I was asleep.
So, with the new job, I have decided to avoid consuming food after 18:00, I will not need the energy anyway, switch from Coke to Coke zero and be a little bit more carb and fat conscious. I´ll keep you updated on that one. Will go and buy some jogging shoes next week. Now I only have to figure out when to go for a run without the chance of bumping into anyone I know, which would destroy my image of being slightly plastic and untouchable. ;)
Quitting smoking, again, I rather not talk about it. It has been said and done and yet I failed. I thing nicotine is worst than crack. I feel like friggin Amy Winehouse without the smeared makeup and halfway dressed stumbling around. The lift of the smoking ban in Geneva does´t help either.
I will dedicate a whole blog entry on the topic of trying to be nicer since it´s a tricky subject.
Hmm, I missed blogging, I wonder why I blog so inconsistently.
1 comment:
First of all, YAY! Glad to have you back! I am with you on everything in this post except for the running bit. Sorry, I save my running for emergency situations (ex. being pursued by a bloodthirsty predator). ;-)
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