I am sure you all know the feeling before Christmas, when you're all excited what kind of presents you will get this time. I love that feeling, but what I like more is presents I can use, so the husband and I started this little thing of sending us "Dear Santa..." emails. Well I send emails and simply bother him with tons of "waddayawant" questions he never answers. That´s why he got stuck with a fondue chinoise set this year. HA!
The number one item on my list this year was a new Blackberry. I use my Blackberry a lot and the one I got 1,5 years ago really looks like it has been dragged behind a car, and not in a good way. I also like to update my gadgets. I am writing this blog on my brand new Apple MacBook, so I needed a new phone to match the new computer. I fell in love with the new Curve 8900 and since it´s is not yet available in the land of the cheese, we, I mean Santa ordered it from Germany the 2nd week of December.
IT IS STILL NOT HERE and I am on the verge of insanity. I know, it´s just a gadget, but playing with new toys on Christmas is a tradition for me and I had to substitute for it this year with hours and hours of playing Rayving Rabbids TV Party on the Wii. It´s a great game and my ankles are still sore but it does not make up for the missing present.
Let´s just hope that La Post will deliver fast otherwise I will loose my temper and slaughter a mail man out of pure joy. Oh wait, I said I am trying to be nicer. All right, I am going to slash his tires instead.
Isn´t it beautiful? Such a precious piece of technology!

...and my jealousy of you is renewed.
you are so lacking in depth, self-involved and superficial.
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