I had a good feeling about our real estate agent from the start as mentioned in my previous post and I was not wrong.
Annemieke, the real estate agent, picked us up from the airport on Thursday and spent the whole day with us looking at apartments. It was really great. Not only did she showed us nice apartments but also provided helpful advice about live in Amsterdam in general. Like where to apply for a parking permit, where the shopping is, how to find the nice little boutiques, public transportation and she pointed out some very good restaurants. It was an overall delight!
If you´re ever thinking of relocating to Amsterdam and you need a place, contact Annemieke from Partner in Real Estate.
Originally we thought a two bedroom apartment would be sufficient for us, since we are currently not using our thrid bedroom in Geneva and the second is our walk in closet. But instead of going smaller we ended up going bigger. We will move to a very nice 4 bedroom, separate living and dining room duplex with a gorgeous terrace and ample storage space in the attic. Since we stayed within our budget I am not really upset about it, to be honest I am thrilled. This apartment does not feel like an apartment it feels like a house. I am already referring to it as "The House".
We ended up in the Rivierenbuurt, a very nice part of Amsterdam which is more in the south but still close enough to walk downtown if you want to. Although it would have been nice and very cliche to have a place right by a gracht it is simply impractical. You will never get a parking permit, the houses are very narrow and dark and not to mention all the drunk tourists falling asleep or puking on your doorstep.
I think our new place is fabulous and we are very much looking forward to the move. If only I could take my friends with me, that´s the only thing that makes leaving Geneva hard for me.
At least we have a guest bedroom, so people can visit us and Geneva is only a 80 CHF Easyjet flight away.
You should follow me on twitter here.
I ♥ my new bedroom!! ;)
Hi, congrats that you have found the house of your choice otherwise it is always very difficult to find a house of your choice.If you want to more information about Amsterdam apartments then is always ready for your help.
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