Being an ex-pat means that you have left your hometown and all of your friends behind you, starting from scratch all over again. What would ex-pats do before the invention of the Internet? How would they stay in touch with each other? I simply have no clue. Sure there is always the option of writing letters, but for me personally it never worked out. First my handwriting is really really bad, one could think that I am a doctor with Parkinson. Second I have a very short attention span, meaning that I have trouble focusing on one subject longer than say 10 minutes. There is hardly one movie I can watch without looking stuff up on Wikipedia. Anyway, so no letters for me and I really do apologize to all the people I was in language exchange program with in England to their letters I never replied .
Today with the invention of countless social networking websites it´s so easy to stay in touch with all kinds of people. Hell, some people found me who I was in kindergarden with and have no recollection of whatsoever. In these situations I tend to do what my grandma taught me "if you have no idea, simply smile and fake it" and that´s what I´m doing. Which brings me to my point, do I really want to stay in touch with all these people, is it really helping me of not letting go of the old times? Sure, online networking is great for meeting new people and building a new network in a new town but does it really help to always having the past so easy accessible? I mean do I really want to know what my old classmates are doing, that they have 2.5 kids now, that they didn´t study astrophysics after all, that the guy I had a major crush on in the 8th grade is still drop dead gorgeous minus the hair plus a kid, that my first boyfriend is still a male nurse although he is clever enough to be a doctor, that all the people in the In-Crowd back then are pretty much in the Out-Crowd now?
Memory is a bitch and we know it. Thinking back, it all seemed so easy, so trouble free so blissful, but that´s because memory is a very selective mass storage medium. The good things stay the bad stuff gets right clicked into the trash folder immediately.
Online communities are great fun because they serve our need to know perfectly. Everyone is curious, we all have our Sliver moments, and with these websites we can be a little stalker in the privacy of our own apartment. No shame no blame.
I added up all the connections I have on my 16!!! social networking sites and came up with the amazing number of 523 individuals. So, to how many of these people do I talk on a regular bases? I would say around 30, not more. 20 here in Geneva, 10 back in Germany.
I think that I eventually will deactivate most of the networks which are related to the past since they are simply a hindrance to be focused on the future. Time moves in only one direction and memory lane is simply not in a good neighborhood.
Come to the future, they have cookies. ;)
Everyone wants a piece of you, but there is only a finite amount of time and energy. Which one will you de-activate first...
Kindergarden and elementary school i think.
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