Checking my Facebook i realized that I might be updating my status just a little bit too often.
Whenever I have a minute I update my status. A wet dream for every stalker.
These are just the updates of the last two months:
Ulli is updating his blog.
Ulli ´s headache is driving him crazy.
Ulli is vicious right now.
Ulli is hanging out at the Savoy in Zürich.
Ulli is at veeeeery nice club in the moment. He needed that sooooo bad.
Ulli is all excited about the small fire in th restorant he is eating at in the moment. no casualties though...
Ulli is heading to Zürich.
Ulli is blogging.
Ulli loves The Riches.
Ulli is adding more stuff to youtube.
Ulli is clubbing with the gays.
Ulli is in Yverdon les Bang errrr Bains.
Ulli is demanding that you shut up and drive.
Ulli "Where i come from we don't play around".
Ulli is going to the car show tonight.
Ulli is fighting his addiction to nasal spray. Day two and about to suffocate...
Ulli is particular?! No shit!!
Ulli is on his way back after a very delightful lunch with the husband.
Ulli ´s secret agent training school lectures include "Dressing to Kill" by Barbie, and "The many outfits of subversion" by Ken.
Ulli is at dancing class. FAME, I WANNA LIVE FOREVER....
Ulli is looking for his MOJO.
Ulli is going to sing now....
Ulli "where is my straw? It is snowing!".
Ulli thinks that quitting smoking for good might be more effective than botoxing his face into a mask.
Ulli wants photoshop in real live on the fly.
Ulli is calling it a night.
Ulli is up already. something is wrong here.
Ulli is blissfully hammered. FABULOUS
Ulli had a lovely birthday party.
Ulli is power napping. ZZZZZZZZ.
Ulli is officially 28 now.
Ulli is driving to Lausanne with Ruth.
Ulli is looking foward to Ruth´s arrival.
Ulli is terrified of anything involving "Volksmusik".
Ulli is going to bed. Good night.
Ulli is relevant y´all.
Ulli is at Bypass. Drinking on a school night. YAY.
Ulli is amazed by the number of people being able of speaking German here in Geneva.
Ulli is an ENFJ.
Ulli is considering not being punctual as extremly rude. Waste your own time, not mine.
Ulli is indulging the bubbly.
Ulli is doing the usual Saturday routine yet again.
Ulli really needs to kick that nasty oxygen habit he has.
Ulli is sleeping upside down in a corner,draped in his wings until the sun goes down.
Ulli is bar hopping. YAY.
Ulli demands a knitting needle. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.
Ulli knows that he is weird.
Ulli is totally happening.
Ulli ´s an insomniac.
Ulli is so freakin' fabulous, Lynn just cannot believe it.
Ulli is at a chinese new year party.
Ulli is updating his status way too often. Right now he is getting a haircut.
Ulli is in a backing up and encrypting frenzy.
Ulli is a walking and talking garlic bomb.
Ulli is soon stuffing his face with YUMMY greek food.
Ulli is in the waiting line.
Ulli is VOGUE!
Ulli is happy that he found the perfect location for his birtday party.
Ulli is surprised how boring american football is.
Ulli is trying to figure out american football rules. He is watching the Superbowl for the first time ever.
Ulli is at Lady Godiva.
Ulli is wondering what to do tonight.
Ulli is lasergaming.
Ulli is prepared a very nice chilli con carne for tonight.
Ulli is lunching with Tiggs. Thai food, YUMMY!
Ulli is yummy yummy.
Ulli hates those annoying facebook apps that want me to spam my friends
Ulli wants a pet cheetah.
Ulli is in sunday hibernation.
You should look into twitter. You can twitter from your blackberry, too.
love the blog, but really you should get to bed so you can rest up for Friday! :)
I love reading your FB updates. They make me remember there is life beyond my office. :) Plus, your updates don't involve you breaking up with someone every 2nd day. ;)
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