The interiour is the usual mix of flea market furniture, vintage posters and warm colours. Lounge music is oozing out of the speakers and they are showing old episodes of Derrick, a german who-did-it crime series from the 80´s, on a tv in a corner which generates an instant at home feeling. They have a big terrace outside so I guess it will be fabulous in the summer.
The drinks are yummy, reasonable priced (13 chf for a vodka pomme) and served by Jan a very handsome dutch guy and a very easy on the eyes brit. What more can you ask of.
We will go there again next week and chek out the food.
I guess after forcing all my friends to come to Calamar, which is right around the corner from where I live, it´s payback time for me and I have to make the trip to Eaux-Vives more often in the future.
HANS MÜLLER Bar Mit Musik Rue Henri-Blanvallet 13 EAUX-VIVES open tue-sa from 6pm
Excellent! Drinks next week?
yeah lets do that, i will keep you posted.
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