In case you´ve been wondering what I have been up to this summer.
Here is a quick overview:
Ulli is angry that the new Facebook ate all of his previous updates.
Ulli is about to doze off.
Ulli thinks you should give yourself permission to enjoy things when the going is good, despite the fact you know the good may not last forever.
Ulli is getting a Wii. So be prepared for WII Sports turnaments.
Ulli is so wants "all star cheer squad" for the Wii. YEAH, bring it on!
Ulli is off to Germany.
Ulli is ok with Madonna´s show yesterday is going shopping now.
Ulli is very MEH ce soir.
Ulli is coming home tonight.
Ulli is back in Switzerland.
Ulli just worked out on the Wii fit.
Ulli is a round-spectacled, black-gloved torture master who emits a shrill giddy laugh after every sentence. Mwahahahohohihi.
Ulli is not allowing the world to end tomorrow. not before he has his next generation Mac.
Ulli is looking forward to seeing Corinne next month.
Ulli is wondering what he is.
Ulli really liked "Das Leben der Anderen".
Ulli "Friday, really?! Hmm,but i don´t wanna go out!".
Ulli wants his old Facebook back.
Ulli wonders why the weather is bad ever since CERN started the LHC.
Ulli is freezing cold at Scandale.
Ulli doesn't like alternative people, they're usually poor.
Ulli wants to be the sidekick of "drunk" Lluvia at Mascotte. Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome...
Ulli is about to faint, hopefully he will hit his pillow and not the night stand.
Ulli can walk in 5" heels, even dance in them.
Ulli is not so sure about the carpet under the dining table.
Ulli is grateful for the privileged life he has.
Ulli is working out while watching the latest episode of 90210.
Ulli just got hooked on "Damages".
Ulli is in bed with a cold.
Ulli is feeling way better.
Ulli is in the middle of a very yummy dinner.
Ulli is partying with the genevois. scary.
Ulli ist ein schlechtes Vorbild.
Ulli is considering buying a fur coat. Can someone turn on the friggin heat?!
Ulli is Tom Cruise jumping on the couch crazy.
Ulli just booked his flights to see Corinne. Is happy as a clown.
Ulli sipping hot chocolate with a bit of baileys watching a movie. Autumn nights, how I love them.
Ulli is learning about no load mutual funds while cooking Soljanka.
Ulli is so happy that Geneva finally has an Apple Store.
Ulli decided that it is time to start blogging about the unimportant things in live again.
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