So, I gave in. After over three years in Geneva I have finally come to like to go to the pub quiz. At first I always sought that I am way too young for this and that my knowledge on what happened on Coronation street is way too limited. After I have been the other week, I must say it is really fun, there are a lot of my friends around, Leona really comes up with good questions even I can answer from time to time and there is fish and chips i simply love love LOVE. I will go again tonight, so dear stalkers, if you wanna get me tonight, go ahead but you should know that I carry a gun in my Vuitton and am considered a good shot.
StalkerS? With an S? This is worrying news indeed. I shall have to find and dispatch the others with all immediate haste...
By the by, if your hair is a little longer these days, your new bag has a shoulder strap, and you keep your sunglasses on in the tram during summer, then I spotted you a few weeks back (coincidentally, it was a day or so after I'd put up that post, so yikes)... I think you might have gotten off at Pont d'Arve. See? None of your other stalkers are this thorough! Please save your bullets till you run into me again... I'm the only one who's worth it :)
adwoa - I'm sure this was meant as a joke, but it's ... uh... not funny. Just creepy.
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