The whole bringing back the smokers from outside has one considerable side though. I won´t be able to smell the people anymore. I like to go clubbing, and although I do mind the smoke a bit, my contacts get all dry and itchy, it´s far better than having to smell all these people who do not know what a deodorant is and how to use it. I prefer the smell of smoke to the smell of sweaty humans.
Below the article about the lift of the smoking ban:
Geneva's smoking ban overturned
The Federal Court in Lausanne has ruled that the ban on smoking in public places in Geneva is null and void.
The ruling means the owners or managers of bars and restaurants can let people light-up indoors again if they want to. The court says there was no legal basis for the ban and Geneva’s cantonal parliament should have adopted a formal law before it was brought into effect in July.Geneva’s Department of Economy and Health says it has only found out about the court’s decision from the media, and has not been given any details about the ruling. It is still working out what consequences it will have. In a statement, the department points out that the people of Geneva made a clear decision to ban smoking in public places, after more than 80 per cent of voters approved the move earlier this year.
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