I went to SIP with some friends last night and I must say, that i am getting more and more upset with the way people behave there.
Well, SIP was always known as one of the snotty places here in Geneva with a very weird and random door policy. Getting in is completely dependent on the mood of the bouncers. I personally never had problems getting in, except once when I made the huge mistake to talk to somebody who just got bounced. SIP used to be full of internationals dressed in a nice way and usually their mood would be more on the friendly side of things.
Basically, it´s an upscale Shakers, a big meat market, where guys and girls looking for that special someone. Maybe for ever, maybe for the duration of their assignment, maybe just until the next morning. All of us who are either taken or not looking in the moment can be considered extras.
I find it very interesting to watch the mating game since I am interested in psychology and understanding people and the force that is driving them.
I must say last night was very bizarre. Bizarre to an extend that I started wondering what happened. There was so much aggression in the air that I picked up on it and got aggressive as well.
Usually the girls are on the dance floor, dressed to the nines, having so much fun with their other female friends while the guys are at the bar, watching what the night has to offer them, standing there nodding their heads to the beat of the music. Not so much yesterday. The girls were on the dance floor, but were moving around like robots with a facial expression that would make you think that each and everyone of them has buried their parents that day. But still they were on the dance floor craving for attention of the guys, who didn´t seem to be that interested that night. So many resorted to cruising the room. meaning that they would walk around the bar, parading themselves like merchandise. SIP is always packed, so it´s not easy to just circle around as you please, you have to squeeze through the masses. Apparently they are not used to the fact that the crowds will not part as they walk by. As you can imagine, they just pushed their way through without any respect for others.
Since I am taken, and not into women I do not forgive so easily if they step on my feet or jam their elbows in my side without saying sorry afterwards. I tip toe around packed clubs like a friggin ballerina, constantly apologizing, trying to get through the masses withouth leaving an imprint of my shoes on top of peoples feet.
One of these girls decided that it would be so much fun to squeeze behind me, flirting with some random dude at the bar. To start with, she was wearing this very unflattering black number, had a face that would look just right at your local hunted house and a set of the most hideous breast implants I have ever seen. She was veeeeeery skinny, so had no fat tissued to accommodate implants the size she had. It basically looked like someone bolted two grapefruits to her chest. Bad looks aside, she had one of the worst attitudes I have seen in a long time. She was moving back and forth, always pushing people aside, looked angry at you that you are not granting her highness the space she deserves and the thing that drove me over the edge was that she would constantly step on my feet with her ugly high heels. Thing is, I like nice shoes and I hate, HATE, hate when they get scratched because some arrogant wannabe princess can´t stand still in a crowded environment. After the 20th or so time she stepped on my foot I had enough. I waited a couple of minutes and seeked revenge. I looked down and starting grinning like a mad men when I saw that she was wearing those strappy sandal thingies. I Iet myself fall back as if i got pushed by someone and stepped on her foot with the corner of my heel letting my whole weight shift on that leg. She screamed liked mad, I turned around, uttered "oh je suis tres desole" with the hardest german accent i could come up with, looked down on her fake boobs, started to giggle, turned around and walked away. She looked very shocked. She had it coming, and I simply lost my temper. I am aware, that this is not a nice way to behave but enough is enough.
So the lesson we learn from this is, that although you are a girl, you might not be as pretty and fabulous as you think you are, that not all men will worship you and that you might end up pissing off the wrong guy who couldn´t care less about you, your horrid boobs or the fact that you are on the hunt.
Be more friendly.
1 comment:
ariel is sooo wearing my glasses...
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