There are lots of websites filled with cliches about Germans and being German I was wondering if they are right or not. So here is a quick check if I am a typical German or not.
Germans are fat.
I have a BMI of 19.0 so I can say that I am not fat.
Germans wear leather trousers, all of them do.
Lederhosen are part of the traditional dress of Bavaria and Bavaria is only a small part of Germany. I have never owned or worn a pair of Lederhosen, although I think they make a nice ass.
Germans have beer guts and drink beer like water.
I don´t like beer at all. I am more of a vodka person but a lot of Germans love love love their beer.
Germans eat a lot of Sauerkraut and Bratwurst.
I don´t like Sauerkraut, it makes me bloated and I don´t like the taste. I like Bratwurst but prefer Currywurst, which is a cut up bratwurst topped with warm ketchup and curry powder. The don´t have it in Geneva so I eat it once or twice a year. The typical German eats 32 kilos of sausage a year. Amazing isn´t it?
Germans wear beards.
I was never very fond of facial hair, at least not on myself. It looks very weird, very wrong and doesn´t go very well with my design theme.
Germans have blond hair and blue eyes.
I have blue eyes, even without my contacts, and I am a very dark, dirty blond. With all the gel I put in it looks nearly black though.
Germans have a terrifying efficiency.
I wish that would be true for me but I am slightly ADD, so not really. I just want things to be done properly. I don´t do half way.
Germans want world domination.
What is wrong with that?
Germans speak very good English with a very bad accent.
I even think in English and my German is getting really bad. I think I got rid of most of my accent. I can pronounce a TH as in with, without problem. Even a W is not a problem. But there are some words I am struggling with but mainly because I never heard them spoken but read them before. I just learned how to say counterfeit.
Germans have no humor.
I would say my humor is more British than German. Germans prefer a lot of very blunt and vulgar jokes.
Germans go to Mallorca for holidays.
I have been there once, so it´s partially true, but I hated it. If I want to see drunk misbehaving Germans I don´t have to go to a Spanish island to see that.
Germans love David Hasselhoff.
I must admit that I loved Knight Rider and that I owned some of his records. Hey, those were the 80´s and I was so not cool.
Germans make good bread.
So true, I love good bread but cannot make it myself. Switzerland is kind of ok, but I guess I will suffer if I ever have to live in the states.
Germans are very punctual.
I am very punctual to an extent it´s painful. I have to work on that since I get really upset if someone is even 2 minutes too late. Back in Germany I would call after 2 minutes and leave after waiting for 10 minutes. Time is one of the things I can never get back. Once lost it´s lost forever.
Oh dear, writing that list makes me realize how much of a German I really am, so I will stop here before I start to get depressed. I really wanna do a list about gay cliches, but I guess I will do that later on.
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