For centuries people were making fashion statements with the things they were wearing, with the hairdos they were sporting but in this millenium things have changed a bit. Where you would make a statement with a great T-Shirt you were wearing and positioning yourself within a group with your haircut before, nowadays you have to add one more thing to be fashionable. Your house. With the cocooning trend after 9/11 people tend to stay home more and therefore are redecorating more often. The number of style blogs is incredible and I must say that I read some of them on a daily bases.
So houses and apartments are a fashion statement now. What I am talking about is the fact that nowadays even the kitchens have to be cool. You just can´t wash your hands in the sink anymore, you have to have a bowl. Or not even a bowl, just a shiny flat surface where water pours onto and into infinity. Your kitchen is now so cool that it has bouncers so you can´t get in it. Your dishwasher can get in but you can´t. Your fridge can be dancing the night away at Studio 54 without you.
Living in Geneva has one huge disadvantage. If you rent, like most of us do, the kitchen is already in the apartment and you have not much of a choice. These kitchens are ugly, old and so not cool. My kitchen is lucky if it can get into Shakers.
How can I become a fashionista, what´s the male term anyway, fashionister, if my kitchen is so shitty?
I friggin' peed myself laughing at this. Then your dishwasher texted me to tell me about this great new club, so I had to log off.
PS... I vote for "fashionisto".
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