I have been trying to quit smoking a zillion times and I failed every single time. I tried cold turkey, which nearly resulted in a murder-suicide, gum which burned my gums because I was chewing frantically trying to get all the nicotine out of it, the stuff with the needles, what´s it called - heroin, just kidding, and patches. The patches were providing the best results but eventually I would start smoking again so mission not accomplished.
I smoke since I am 16, it started with 2 or 3 ciggies a day in school, just to fit in. I can´t believe that I was so stupid to fall for it. The bad thing about smoking is that you really don´t like it in the beginning. It tastes awful and the buzz it gives you is rather disturbing, so why would you become addicted to that stuff. Well I did, like most of the other "cool" kids. Fast forward to twelve years later, smoking around 30 cigarettes a day. That means, if I calculate an average of 25 cigarretes per day, that I have smoked 109.500 cigarettes in my life. That´s insane, that´s 5.475 packs or 35.000 Francs, at going rate. Did I get my moneys worth? I sure did. I am not able to smell or taste as good as non-smokers. I have big pores, my skin aged pre-maturely, my teeth are not as white as they could be, my clothes stink, I stink, I am moody, basicly I am an outlaw in this world where more and more people don´t smoke. Not thinking about the fact that I may die younger because of this filthy habit.
I don´t regret having my face botoxed, but what I regret is that it might not have been necessary if I had chosen not to smoke at all.
So, from tomorrow, Saturday the 5th of April, on I will start to take Champix, Pfizer´s more or less new anti smoking pill. That stuff is like Methadone, blocking the receptors for nicotine, so smoking will not have the desired effect anymore. I will have to stop smoking within 8 days of starting taking the pills. We´ll see how that goes. I am already looking forward to the weight gain, mood swings and being more bitchy than ever.
Way to go!! How long to do you have to take the pills for?
12 weeks.
If you do it, I will do it, too. I'll skip the pill since mine is not a chemical addiction, I might bring my own pretzel sticks out with me next time.
By the time you go off the pills, it will be almost July 1st, anyways, and then we can't smoke indoors in Geneva. That will help a lot, too.
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