There are lots of websites filled with cliches about Germans and being German I was wondering if they are right or not. So here is a quick check if I am a typical German or not.
Germans are fat.
I have a BMI of 19.0 so I can say that I am not fat.
Germans wear leather trousers, all of them do.
Lederhosen are part of the traditional dress of Bavaria and Bavaria is only a small part of Germany. I have never owned or worn a pair of Lederhosen, although I think they make a nice ass.
Germans have beer guts and drink beer like water.
I don´t like beer at all. I am more of a vodka person but a lot of Germans love love love their beer.
Germans eat a lot of Sauerkraut and Bratwurst.
I don´t like Sauerkraut, it makes me bloated and I don´t like the taste. I like Bratwurst but prefer Currywurst, which is a cut up bratwurst topped with warm ketchup and curry powder. The don´t have it in Geneva so I eat it once or twice a year. The typical German eats 32 kilos of sausage a year. Amazing isn´t it?
Germans wear beards.
I was never very fond of facial hair, at least not on myself. It looks very weird, very wrong and doesn´t go very well with my design theme.
Germans have blond hair and blue eyes.
I have blue eyes, even without my contacts, and I am a very dark, dirty blond. With all the gel I put in it looks nearly black though.
Germans have a terrifying efficiency.
I wish that would be true for me but I am slightly ADD, so not really. I just want things to be done properly. I don´t do half way.
Germans want world domination.
What is wrong with that?
Germans speak very good English with a very bad accent.
I even think in English and my German is getting really bad. I think I got rid of most of my accent. I can pronounce a TH as in with, without problem. Even a W is not a problem. But there are some words I am struggling with but mainly because I never heard them spoken but read them before. I just learned how to say counterfeit.
Germans have no humor.
I would say my humor is more British than German. Germans prefer a lot of very blunt and vulgar jokes.
Germans go to Mallorca for holidays.
I have been there once, so it´s partially true, but I hated it. If I want to see drunk misbehaving Germans I don´t have to go to a Spanish island to see that.
Germans love David Hasselhoff.
I must admit that I loved Knight Rider and that I owned some of his records. Hey, those were the 80´s and I was so not cool.
Germans make good bread.
So true, I love good bread but cannot make it myself. Switzerland is kind of ok, but I guess I will suffer if I ever have to live in the states.
Germans are very punctual.
I am very punctual to an extent it´s painful. I have to work on that since I get really upset if someone is even 2 minutes too late. Back in Germany I would call after 2 minutes and leave after waiting for 10 minutes. Time is one of the things I can never get back. Once lost it´s lost forever.
Oh dear, writing that list makes me realize how much of a German I really am, so I will stop here before I start to get depressed. I really wanna do a list about gay cliches, but I guess I will do that later on.
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Hahaha. I would not necessarily say you fit the German stereotypes you listed, but you are definitely Type A - it must be why we get along. :) I am intrigued by your love of the Hoff....
When I first met you, before you said your name, I thought you were Scandinavian...and when we were in Dubai over Easter there was a place that sold Currywurst, it made me think of you and the picture you posted of it last time you were in Germany.
World domination? No, that's the Russians. :D
So there is nothing wrong with German world domination uh? Thank god that the rest of the world had a different perspective back in the forties.
The lateness rule is definitely true about Germans. Which is one of qualities they dislike about Americans. I don't know why but they are such sticklers for time but they tend to be very impatient.
Also, I noticed most Germans are very law abiding. I think it's funny how UN-corrupt most Germans are. That's one of the things a love about them!
The stereotype about alcohol is mostly true too. Most German guys love beer.
Last, I notice how Germans are embarrassed of failing at something. I hate perfectionists! However, some of the most famous musicians (Beethoven, Bach, etc.) and scientists (Einstein, Oppenheimer, etc.) were German. Which is also why Germany has one of the best education systems in the world.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Another stereotype is that Germans are racist and don't like foreigners. Not true. They aren't too fond of American military, though. However, interracial dating is quite common in Germany! Yay! To think. I cannot date a white woman in the US without drawing attention but in one of the whitest countries in the world black people are considered sexy!
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